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Bengaluru first Indian city to get Uber car-pool service
UberPool will launch soon in beta in select cities in India, starting with Bangalore, to gain insights from commuter adoption and usage. The service is currently present in San Francisco, New York City, Boston, Austin and Paris and assists commuters to get around their cities, reducing the number of cars on the road, congestion in cities and parking challenge.
Following the recent car-pooling initiative by the Bangalore Traffic Police to increase the utilization of cars on the road, Uber's carpooling service will make an attempt to make fewer cars on roads a reality. Bhavik Rathod, GM Bangalore, Uber said, "India is a top global priority for Uber along with China and UberPool. Today, we're thrilled to announce that we'll be bringing UberPool to India very soon."
"With UberPool we'll aim to achieve this vision, one we share with policy makers, to make Bangalore a city of the future -- one that looks a whole lot greener, cleaner, and more efficient thanks to fewer cars and more shared rides," he said.
In San Francisco, for instance, UberPool continues to be one of the most affordable and popular ways for riders to get around the city. Uber said that riders taking UberPool in San Francisco have also saved nearly 200,000 gallons of gas.
Uber that was launched in India less than two years ago, is available in 22 Indian cities -- more than in any other country outside the US. It has 1.65 lakh drivers on its platform.
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